Processing individual modalities and multimodal integration of 3k brain cells#

This notebooks demonstrates how individual modalities are processed and integrated to prepare the ground for downstream analysis.

# Change directory to the root folder of the repository
import os

Load libraries and data#

Import libraries:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc
import anndata as ad
import muon as mu
mu.set_options(display_style = "html", display_html_expand = 0b000)
<muon._core.config.set_options at 0x1337c7940>

Download the data that we will use for this series of notebooks.

It can be conveniently obtained with the mudatasets library so that multiple files are downloaded and loaded in a MuData object:

import mudatasets
mdata = mudatasets.load("brain3k_multiome", full=True)
■ File filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 from brain3k_multiome has been found at ~/mudatasets/brain3k_multiome/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5
■ Checksum is validated (md5) for filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5
■ File atac_fragments.tsv.gz from brain3k_multiome has been found at ~/mudatasets/brain3k_multiome/atac_fragments.tsv.gz
■ Checksum is validated (md5) for atac_fragments.tsv.gz
■ File atac_fragments.tsv.gz.tbi from brain3k_multiome has been found at ~/mudatasets/brain3k_multiome/atac_fragments.tsv.gz.tbi
■ Checksum is validated (md5) for atac_fragments.tsv.gz.tbi
■ File atac_peaks.bed from brain3k_multiome has been found at ~/mudatasets/brain3k_multiome/atac_peaks.bed
■ Checksum is validated (md5) for atac_peaks.bed
■ File atac_peak_annotation.tsv from brain3k_multiome has been found at ~/mudatasets/brain3k_multiome/atac_peak_annotation.tsv
■ Checksum is validated (md5) for atac_peak_annotation.tsv
■ Loading filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5...
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mudatasets/ UserWarning: Dataset is in the 10X .h5 format and can't be loaded as backed.
  warn("Dataset is in the 10X .h5 format and can't be loaded as backed.")
Variable names are not unique. To make them unique, call `.var_names_make_unique`.
Added `interval` annotation for features from ~/mudatasets/brain3k_multiome/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5
Variable names are not unique. To make them unique, call `.var_names_make_unique`.
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mudata/_core/ UserWarning: var_names are not unique. To make them unique, call `.var_names_make_unique`.
Added peak annotation from ~/mudatasets/brain3k_multiome/atac_peak_annotation.tsv to .uns['atac']['peak_annotation']
Added gene names to peak annotation in .uns['atac']['peak_annotation']
Located fragments file: ~/mudatasets/brain3k_multiome/atac_fragments.tsv.gz

More details about using mudatasets and available datasets can be found in its repository.

For the record, the original data is available here, and we will use the following files:

  1. Filtered feature barcode matrix (HDF5)

  2. ATAC peak annotations based on proximal genes (TSV)

  3. ATAC Per fragment information file (TSV.GZ)

  4. ATAC Per fragment information index (TSV.GZ index)

MuData object 3233 obs × 170631 var in 2 modalities
.obs0 elements
No metadata
Embeddings & mappings
.obsm2 elements
rna bool numpy.ndarray
atac bool numpy.ndarray
.obsp0 elements
No distances
3233 × 36601
AnnData object 3233 obs × 36601 var
float32    scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix
.layers0 elements
No layers
.obs0 elements
No metadata
.obsm0 elements
No embeddings
.obsp0 elements
No distances
.uns0 elements
No miscellaneous
3233 × 134030
AnnData object 3233 obs × 134030 var
float32    scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix
.layers0 elements
No layers
.obs0 elements
No metadata
.obsm0 elements
No embeddings
.obsp0 elements
No distances
.uns2 elements
atac collections.OrderedDict 1 element peak_annotation: DataFrame (175595 x 3)
files collections.OrderedDict 1 element fragments: ~/mudatasets/brain3k_multiome/atac_fragments.tsv.gz

Processing RNA#

Here, we’ll perform some QC and processing steps including normalisation.

# `rna` will point to `mdata['rna']`
# unless we copy it
rna = mdata['rna']


rna.var['mt'] = rna.var_names.str.startswith('MT-')  # annotate the group of mitochondrial genes as 'mt'
sc.pp.calculate_qc_metrics(rna, qc_vars=['mt'], percent_top=None, log1p=False, inplace=True)
[9]:, ['n_genes_by_counts', 'total_counts', 'pct_counts_mt'],
             jitter=0.4, multi_panel=True)
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anndata/_core/ FutureWarning: The `inplace` parameter in pandas.Categorical.reorder_categories is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Reordering categories will always return a new Categorical object.
  c.reorder_categories(natsorted(c.categories), inplace=True)
... storing 'feature_types' as categorical
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anndata/_core/ FutureWarning: The `inplace` parameter in pandas.Categorical.reorder_categories is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Reordering categories will always return a new Categorical object.
  c.reorder_categories(natsorted(c.categories), inplace=True)
... storing 'genome' as categorical
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anndata/_core/ FutureWarning: The `inplace` parameter in pandas.Categorical.reorder_categories is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Reordering categories will always return a new Categorical object.
  c.reorder_categories(natsorted(c.categories), inplace=True)
... storing 'interval' as categorical
print(f"Before: {rna.n_obs} cells")
mu.pp.filter_obs(rna, 'n_genes_by_counts', lambda x: (x >= 200) & (x < 8000))
print(f"(After n_genes: {rna.n_obs} cells)")
mu.pp.filter_obs(rna, 'total_counts', lambda x: x < 40000)
print(f"(After total_counts: {rna.n_obs} cells)")
mu.pp.filter_obs(rna, 'pct_counts_mt', lambda x: x < 2)
print(f"After: {rna.n_obs} cells")
Before: 3233 cells
(After n_genes: 3084 cells)
(After total_counts: 3065 cells)
After: 3020 cells

Let’s see how the data looks after filtering:

[11]:, ['n_genes_by_counts', 'total_counts', 'pct_counts_mt'],
             jitter=0.4, multi_panel=True)


rna.layers["counts"] = rna.X.copy()
sc.pp.normalize_total(rna, target_sum=1e4)
# rna.raw = rna
rna.layers["lognorm"] = rna.X.copy()

Define informative features#

sc.pp.highly_variable_genes(rna, min_mean=0.02, max_mean=4, min_disp=0.5)

Scaling and PCA#

sc.pp.scale(rna, max_value=10)
[17]:, svd_solver='arpack')
[18]:, color=['NRCAM', 'SLC1A2', 'SRGN', 'VCAN'])

You can see expression of some of these genes and their type and region specificity in the Protein Atlas, e.g. SLC1A2 in astrocytes, SRGN in microglia and VCAN in oligodendrocyte precursor cells.

[19]:, log=True)

Finding cell neighbours and clustering cells#

sc.pp.neighbors(rna, n_neighbors=10, n_pcs=20)
[21]:, resolution=.5)

Non-linear dimensionality reduction#

[22]:, spread=1., min_dist=.5, random_state=11)
[23]:, color="leiden", legend_loc="on data")

Marker genes and celltypes#

[24]:, 'leiden', method='t-test')
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
result = rna.uns['rank_genes_groups']
groups = result['names'].dtype.names
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
    {group + '_' + key[:1]: result[key][group]
    for group in groups for key in ['names', 'pvals']}).head(10)
0_n 0_p 1_n 1_p 2_n 2_p 3_n 3_p 4_n 4_p 5_n 5_p 6_n 6_p 7_n 7_p 8_n 8_p 9_n 9_p 10_n 10_p 11_n 11_p 12_n 12_p 13_n 13_p 14_n 14_p 15_n 15_p
0 PLP1 0.000000e+00 CTNNA3 0.000000e+00 SLC1A2 0.000000e+00 CTNNA3 0.000000e+00 PCDH15 2.652644e-260 MALAT1 7.906135e-50 KCNIP4 0.000000e+00 DLGAP1 8.963566e-194 LRMDA 6.608572e-69 SNHG14 1.318458e-152 GPC5 4.747626e-143 PITPNC1 9.111519e-22 GPC5 7.653579e-83 SYT1 2.014135e-63 PLP1 1.274503e-33 GRIP1 3.853040e-36
1 CNP 0.000000e+00 ST18 1.992302e-290 GPC5 0.000000e+00 ST18 6.978186e-266 DSCAM 2.336696e-305 CTNNA3 1.591178e-39 RBFOX1 0.000000e+00 RBFOX1 2.306675e-165 CD83 4.238996e-53 MYT1L 4.228744e-112 GPM6A 6.184337e-127 SORBS1 2.769325e-21 ADGRV1 1.086910e-69 RIMS2 1.193609e-67 ST18 2.647254e-33 KAZN 1.975049e-45
2 CRYAB 0.000000e+00 PIP4K2A 1.775347e-282 ADGRV1 0.000000e+00 DPYD 7.124458e-183 OPCML 0.000000e+00 HSP90AA1 4.793518e-36 HS6ST3 1.256068e-204 SNHG14 1.267656e-150 ST6GAL1 6.552671e-52 ADARB2 2.600669e-107 SLC1A2 4.501662e-99 ATP1B3 1.189084e-20 CTNNA2 6.599894e-87 RALYL 5.803705e-50 DPYD 1.470305e-28 CCSER1 5.615775e-40
3 DBNDD2 1.140926e-286 SLC44A1 2.344859e-284 GPM6A 0.000000e+00 RNF220 1.548406e-180 PTPRZ1 2.238103e-246 DST 6.047507e-33 CSMD1 0.000000e+00 SYT1 8.597039e-104 SRGAP2 8.299153e-52 KAZN 1.972062e-117 CTNNA2 1.565429e-127 MSI2 2.379704e-20 SLC1A2 2.793749e-65 CSMD1 4.780335e-68 MBP 2.456123e-28 RBFOX1 7.619173e-44
4 PTGDS 0.000000e+00 IL1RAPL1 1.201356e-292 RYR3 6.273018e-302 SLC44A1 1.418382e-219 LHFPL3 2.683399e-174 SLC24A2 3.026886e-23 MEG3 4.656631e-203 PCLO 7.207201e-97 SFMBT2 4.823747e-52 CCSER1 2.340052e-97 SOX5 5.678717e-104 MALAT1 6.752891e-19 NRG3 3.185427e-82 KALRN 3.398583e-57 CTNNA3 3.127268e-29 RGS7 1.476733e-37
5 APLP1 1.209001e-294 DOCK10 1.944916e-276 PITPNC1 0.000000e+00 MBP 5.637242e-199 TNR 2.855693e-170 CCDC88A 1.073638e-19 LRRTM4 4.263504e-303 ATRNL1 6.402239e-104 MEF2C 2.862382e-52 FGF14 5.598255e-104 ADGRV1 8.510522e-89 ZNF331 5.170967e-18 GPM6A 3.110578e-63 FAM155A 5.268105e-71 CRYAB 1.195638e-21 ATP8A2 4.490743e-32
6 MBP 0.000000e+00 RNF220 1.347821e-259 CTNNA2 0.000000e+00 IL1RAPL1 3.051642e-209 LUZP2 1.352114e-163 RNF220 5.682518e-20 CHRM3 9.130756e-163 NRG3 6.918291e-163 PLXDC2 1.746137e-53 CHRM3 2.419674e-85 DTNA 6.489832e-107 NR4A3 3.365677e-15 NRXN1 4.834023e-77 NRG3 1.653593e-76 ENPP2 3.207358e-24 SYT1 5.838566e-34
7 FTH1 2.670045e-306 SIK3 1.819625e-253 LSAMP 0.000000e+00 PIP4K2A 7.201469e-174 KCNIP4 0.000000e+00 IL1RAPL1 6.968710e-21 PHACTR1 1.999672e-227 RIMS2 1.884141e-98 CHST11 5.488205e-50 MEG3 5.315741e-91 NKAIN3 4.128601e-84 ESYT2 6.388757e-15 SOX5 2.943574e-61 LDB2 9.921844e-48 NKAIN2 1.214277e-23 FGF13 4.472785e-28
8 RNASE1 4.994825e-237 ELMO1 4.212537e-267 SOX5 0.000000e+00 TMEM165 7.257380e-161 LRRC4C 2.475997e-240 ST18 8.850388e-16 KALRN 2.925946e-186 GRIP1 2.286657e-86 ITPR2 1.985314e-51 GALNTL6 3.329208e-80 NRXN1 7.657986e-115 NR4A2 1.847265e-14 NTM 1.974336e-78 DLGAP2 2.893882e-49 ATP8A1 2.987282e-22 MTUS2 6.490847e-31
9 QDPR 1.806916e-286 SLC24A2 4.128419e-255 NRXN1 0.000000e+00 DOCK10 2.027642e-165 CSMD1 9.004584e-279 POLR2F 2.904285e-15 SYT1 4.039716e-199 KAZN 8.369727e-100 FRMD4A 4.761944e-51 FRMD4A 1.877699e-95 LINC00299 2.855548e-75 TLE1 1.991057e-14 RYR3 2.825641e-54 GABRB2 3.786100e-50 MAN2A1 2.470968e-20 DAB1 1.382530e-34
[26]:, n_genes=20, sharey=False)

Cell type annotation#

There are multiple complementary approaches to assign biologically meaningful cluster labels.

Marker genes#

A straightforward approach is to look at each cluster’s marker genes. For instance, Proteolipid protein 1 (PLP1) together with 2′,3′-Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (CNP) indicate that the cluster 0 is likely to consist of oligodendrocytes. With CTNNA3, which is characeristic for oligodendrocytes, we can assign this label to other clusters as well (1, 3, 5, 14).

[27]:, color=["PLP1", "CNP", "CTNNA3"])

Similarly, we can label astrocytes, microglia and oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs):

[28]:, color=["SLC1A2", "SRGN", "VCAN"],
           title=["SLC1A2 (astrocytes)", "SRGN (microglia)", "VCAN (OPCs)"])

There are a few markers that are used to distinguish between inhibitory and excitatory neurons (see e.g. Hodge2019):

[29]:, color=["GAD1", "GAD2", "SLC17A7"],
           title=["GAD1 (inhibitory)", "GAD2 (inhibitory)", "SLC17A7 (excitatory)"])

E.g. from the same paper we can learn that inhibitory neurons form two major branches distinguished by expression of ADARB2 and LHX6:

[30]:, color=["LHX6", "ADARB2"])

Analogously, different excitatory neurons subtypes can be distinguished:

[31]:, color=["RORB", "FOXP2", "LAMP5", "CBLN2"])
new_cluster_names = {
    "0": "oligodendrocyte",
    "1": "oligodendrocyte",
    "3": "oligodendrocyte",
    "5": "oligodendrocyte",
    "14": "oligodendrocyte",
    "4": "OPC",
    "8": "microglia",
    "2": "astrocyte",
    "10": "astrocyte",
    "11": "astrocyte",
    "12": "astrocyte",
    "6": "excitatory_LAMP5",
    "13": "excitatory_RORB",
    "7": "inhibitory_LHX6",
    "9": "inhibitory_ADARB2",
    "15": "inhibitory_ADARB2",
rna.obs['celltype'] = [new_cluster_names[cl] for cl in rna.obs.leiden.astype("str").values]
rna.obs.celltype = rna.obs.celltype.astype("category")

We will also re-order categories for the next plots:

rna.obs.celltype =[
    'oligodendrocyte', 'OPC', 'microglia', 'astrocyte',
    'excitatory_LAMP5', 'excitatory_RORB',
    'inhibitory_LHX6', 'inhibitory_ADARB2'
from matplotlib.colors import to_hex
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

cmap = plt.get_cmap('rainbow')
colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(

rna.uns["celltype_colors"] = list(map(to_hex, colors))
[36]:, color="celltype")

Finally, we’ll visualise some marker genes across cell types.

marker_genes = ["PLP1", "CNP", "CTNNA3",
                "VCAN", "SRGN", "SLC1A2",
                "SLC17A7", "LAMP5", "CBLN2", "RORB", "FOXP2",
                "GAD1", "GAD2", "LHX6", "ADARB2",]
[38]:, marker_genes, groupby='celltype');

Preprocessing ATAC#

from muon import atac as ac

Here, we’ll perform some QC and processing steps including normalisation.

atac = mdata.mod['atac']


sc.pp.calculate_qc_metrics(atac, percent_top=None, log1p=False, inplace=True)
[42]:, ['n_genes_by_counts', 'total_counts'], linewidth=0)

Filter peaks which accessibility is not detected:

mu.pp.filter_var(atac, 'n_cells_by_counts', lambda x: x >= 10)

Filter cells:

print(f"Before: {atac.n_obs} cells")
mu.pp.filter_obs(atac, 'total_counts', lambda x: (x >= 1000) & (x <= 80000))
print(f"(After total_counts: {atac.n_obs} cells)")
mu.pp.filter_obs(atac, 'n_genes_by_counts', lambda x: (x >= 100) & (x <= 30000))
print(f"After: {atac.n_obs} cells")
Before: 3233 cells
(After total_counts: 2977 cells)
After: 2976 cells

Let’s see how the data looks after filtering:

[45]:, ['n_genes_by_counts', 'total_counts'], linewidth=0)

There are a few expectations about how ATAC-seq data looks like as noted in the hitchhiker’s guide to ATAC-seq data analysis for instance.

Nucleosome signal#

Fragment size distribution typically reflects nucleosome binding pattern showing enrichment around values corresponding to fragments bound to a single nucleosome (between 147 bp and 294 bp) as well as nucleosome-free fragments (shorter than 147 bp).

To work with the fragments file, pysam is required.

[46]:, region='chr1:1-2000000')
Fetching Regions...: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:01<00:00,  1.28s/it]

The ratio of mono-nucleosome cut fragments to nucleosome-free fragments can be called nucleosome signal, and it can be estimated using a subset of fragments.

[47]:, n=1e6)
Reading Fragments: 100%|██████████| 1000000/1000000 [00:05<00:00, 198104.18it/s]
[48]:, "nucleosome_signal", linewidth=0)

TSS enrichment#

We can expect chromatin accessibility enriched around transcription start sites (TSS) compared to accessibility of flanking regions. Thus this measure averaged across multiple genes can serve as one more quality control metric.

The positions of transcription start sites can be obtained from the interval field of the gene annotation in the rna modality:

[49]:['rna']).head(3)  # accepts MuData with 'rna' modality or mdata['rna'] AnnData directly
Chromosome Start End gene_id gene_name
MIR1302-2HG chr1 29553 30267 ENSG00000243485 MIR1302-2HG
FAM138A chr1 36080 36081 ENSG00000237613 FAM138A
OR4F5 chr1 65418 69055 ENSG00000186092 OR4F5

TSS enrichment function will return an AnnData object with cells x bases dimensions where bases correspond to positions around TSS and are defined by extend_upstream and extend_downstream parameters, each of them being 1000 bp by default. It will also record tss_score in the original object.

tss =, n_tss=1000)  # by default,
Fetching Regions...: 100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [00:16<00:00, 59.73it/s]
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 2976 × 2001
    obs: 'n_genes_by_counts', 'total_counts', 'nucleosome_signal', 'tss_score'
    var: 'TSS_position'


atac.layers["counts"] = atac.X.copy()
sc.pp.normalize_total(atac, target_sum=1e4)
atac.layers["lognorm"] = atac.X.copy()

There can be multiple options for ATAC-seq data normalisation.

Here we will use the same log-normalisation and PCA that we are used to from scRNA-seq analysis, however we note there’s also ac.pp.tfidf() that can be used on the atac with atac.X containing counts.

Define informative features#

sc.pp.highly_variable_genes(atac, min_mean=0.05, max_mean=1.5, min_disp=.5)

Scaling and PCA#

sc.pp.scale(atac, max_value=10)
[58]:, svd_solver='arpack')
[59]:, color=['NRCAM', 'SLC1A2', 'SRGN', 'VCAN'], layer='lognorm', func='mean')
[60]:, log=True)

Finding cell neighbours and clustering cells#

sc.pp.neighbors(atac, n_neighbors=10, n_pcs=20)
[62]:, resolution=.5)

Non-linear dimensionality reduction#

[63]:, spread=1., min_dist=.5, random_state=11)
[64]:, color="leiden", legend_loc="on data")
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anndata/_core/ FutureWarning: The `inplace` parameter in pandas.Categorical.reorder_categories is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Reordering categories will always return a new Categorical object.
  c.reorder_categories(natsorted(c.categories), inplace=True)
... storing 'feature_types' as categorical
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anndata/_core/ FutureWarning: The `inplace` parameter in pandas.Categorical.reorder_categories is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Reordering categories will always return a new Categorical object.
  c.reorder_categories(natsorted(c.categories), inplace=True)
... storing 'genome' as categorical

Marker genes and celltypes#

[65]:, 'leiden', method='t-test')
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/tools/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  self.stats[group_name, 'logfoldchanges'] = np.log2(
result = atac.uns['rank_genes_groups']
groups = result['names'].dtype.names

    pd.set_option("max_columns", 50)
    pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 50)

    {group + '_' + key[:1]: result[key][group]
    for group in groups for key in ['names', 'genes', 'pvals']}).head(10)
0_n 0_g 0_p 1_n 1_g 1_p 2_n 2_g 2_p 3_n 3_g 3_p 4_n 4_g 4_p 5_n 5_g 5_p 6_n 6_g 6_p 7_n 7_g 7_p 8_n 8_g 8_p 9_n 9_g 9_p
0 chr19:10517127-10518023 S1PR5 3.282859e-120 chr9:137194149-137195061 SSNA1, TPRN 1.687440e-07 chr15:88954455-88955355 MFGE8 1.041462e-51 chr20:64205357-64206289 MYT1 2.161747e-24 chr3:93470143-93471053 7.728457e-64 chr2:172102411-172103256 DLX2, DLX2-DT 2.862112e-17 chr3:93470143-93471053 7.931826e-32 chr8:141128016-141128911 DENND3, AC040970.1 2.511727e-16 chr3:93470143-93471053 1.401951e-14 chr5:5421992-5422922 ICE1, AC091978.1 5.036902e-08
1 chr17:4533823-4534672 MYBBP1A, SPNS2 1.496385e-105 chr2:155733016-155733956 2.192973e-07 chr11:116113975-116114894 LINC02703 3.233616e-48 chr1:235649644-235650468 GNG4 1.018436e-19 chr19:17830561-17831448 JAK3, INSL3 1.501875e-26 chr19:17830561-17831448 JAK3, INSL3 1.785222e-13 chr7:98869781-98870591 TMEM130 4.118493e-17 chr19:16324216-16325125 KLF2 1.639932e-15 chr11:126082212-126083139 CDON 7.136948e-11 chr3:150762879-150763765 SIAH2, SIAH2-AS1 3.660542e-05
2 chr9:137025205-137026128 ABCA2, C9orf139 3.410716e-103 chr11:67410019-67410923 CARNS1, TBC1D10C 2.165031e-07 chr17:7667553-7668441 TP53 1.768672e-45 chr7:159144522-159145447 VIPR2 1.325963e-19 chr22:20424868-20425672 SCARF2 1.767269e-23 chr11:43580653-43581568 MIR670HG, AC068205.1 2.103368e-13 chr6:34465545-34466455 PACSIN1 4.656562e-16 chr19:16896819-16897691 F2RL3, CPAMD8 1.884857e-14 chr22:44668148-44669084 PRR5 7.608635e-11 chr9:4740847-4741719 AK3 1.084190e-05
3 chr16:19005407-19006339 TMC7 4.832642e-96 chr22:27641917-27642832 AL121885.3 4.611435e-07 chr2:63050200-63051132 OTX1 6.880293e-44 chr10:115092748-115093673 ATRNL1 1.429046e-19 chr3:6860613-6861507 GRM7 1.402679e-23 chr1:159141445-159142305 CADM3 6.791239e-13 chr20:38723830-38724734 SLC32A1 1.225148e-15 chr19:6730124-6731045 GPR108 3.679240e-14 chr3:150255199-150256067 LINC01213 2.284251e-10 chr6:41712509-41713277 TFEB, AL035588.1 3.375334e-05
4 chr16:1046313-1047208 AC009041.3 1.443936e-92 chr3:134366739-134367654 AMOTL2 5.778747e-07 chr10:117551948-117552792 EMX2OS 4.414343e-43 chr22:37412328-37413244 ELFN2 1.669758e-19 chr3:11136760-11137765 HRH1 1.013443e-22 chr20:63501902-63502698 AL121829.1 7.636812e-13 chr2:172084895-172085680 DLX1 8.649997e-15 chr5:40679337-40680186 PTGER4, TTC33 9.874328e-14 chr14:93926839-93927741 FAM181A, FAM181A-AS1 2.292530e-10 chr5:68187291-68188210 LINC02219 8.983458e-05
5 chr9:137021806-137022721 C9orf139, ABCA2 4.150217e-90 chr1:26555262-26556177 RPS6KA1 6.391270e-07 chr3:47542326-47543264 ELP6 1.358418e-42 chr1:103108243-103109114 COL11A1 3.066915e-19 chr2:96148230-96149146 AC012307.1 1.741706e-21 chr20:38723830-38724734 SLC32A1 1.403797e-12 chr2:172102411-172103256 DLX2, DLX2-DT 1.419611e-14 chr2:8583428-8584334 LINC01814 1.619466e-13 chr5:90558277-90559161 ADGRV1 2.171143e-10 chr17:60599687-60600583 PPM1D 1.355020e-04
6 chr1:25563471-25564360 LDLRAP1, AL606491.1 1.641379e-88 chr2:16069783-16070654 GACAT3 2.328614e-06 chr4:7244199-7245095 SORCS2 2.033508e-42 chr14:28766242-28767112 FOXG1 1.565355e-18 chr19:42352133-42353032 MEGF8 8.060144e-21 chr10:133336493-133337402 CALY 2.029217e-12 chr22:43862092-43862988 SULT4A1 1.819093e-14 chr19:48492859-48493838 LMTK3 7.564888e-13 chr12:126742073-126742937 LINC00943, LINC00944 2.478765e-10 chr2:241355778-241356651 FARP2 1.397696e-04
7 chr5:669160-670066 TPPP, AC026740.1 3.579202e-86 chr9:137025205-137026128 ABCA2, C9orf139 2.419066e-06 chr3:93470143-93471053 3.309390e-44 chr3:119329382-119330238 ARHGAP31-AS1, ARHGAP31 2.371422e-18 chr7:45407786-45408730 AC073325.1 1.055004e-19 chr7:45920598-45921486 IGFBP3 2.266860e-12 chr1:59814315-59815178 HOOK1 5.248293e-14 chr17:82216461-82217320 AC132872.2 1.650544e-12 chr7:153523847-153524661 LINC01287 2.704849e-10 chr15:39920566-39921425 GPR176, GPR176-DT 2.180990e-04
8 chr9:128408873-128409744 CERCAM 4.301388e-84 chr20:48656406-48657246 AL035106.1, PREX1 2.625672e-06 chr1:59986377-59987289 CYP2J2 7.442040e-42 chr6:3227300-3228175 TUBB2B 4.510227e-18 chr5:912329-913117 TRIP13, AC122719.3 1.287305e-19 chr11:66420523-66421199 NPAS4 2.531857e-12 chr19:17830561-17831448 JAK3, INSL3 9.146197e-14 chr20:35615908-35616785 SPAG4 2.433515e-12 chr11:35419306-35420052 SLC1A2, AC090625.2 2.676955e-10 chr10:75210119-75211032 VDAC2 2.854747e-04
9 chr20:48656406-48657246 AL035106.1, PREX1 1.801061e-83 chr19:6515932-6516671 TUBB4A 3.436492e-06 chr11:35462968-35463888 PAMR1 1.023938e-41 chr16:88375908-88376817 ZNF469 1.888004e-17 chr12:2998746-2999574 TEAD4 1.546582e-19 chr11:9003656-9004528 NRIP3, AC079296.1 3.130327e-12 chr14:23578440-23579365 JPH4 1.451351e-13 chr1:12166609-12167447 TNFRSF1B 3.207113e-12 chr15:88954455-88955355 MFGE8 3.173339e-10 chr6:29942038-29942903 HLA-A 3.621296e-04

TMC7, CERCAM, TUBB4A (clusters 0 and 1) are oligodendrocyte markers.

Cluster 4 genes (GRM7, MEGF8) point to excitatory neurons, cluster 5 and 6 genes DLX1/DLX2, SLC32A1, CADM3 point to inhibitory neurons, cluster 7 genes (DENND3) — to microglia.

Cluster 3 genes (MYT1 — Myelin transcription factor, GNG4, etc.) point to OPCs. OTX1 (cluster 2) is an astrocyte marker, just as ADGRV1 is in cluster 8.

Adenylate kinase 3 (AK3 in cluster 9) is mainly expressed in mitochondria so this is likely a low-quality cell cluster.

Having studied markers of individual clusters, we will filter some cells out before assigning cell types names to clusters.

mu.pp.filter_obs(atac, "leiden", lambda x: ~x.isin(["9"]))
new_cluster_names = {
    "0": "oligodendrocyte",
    "1": "oligodendrocyte",
    "3": "OPC",
    "7": "microglia",
    "2": "astrocyte",
    "8": "astrocyte",
    "4": "excitatory",
    "5": "inhibitory1",
    "6": "inhibitory2",
atac.obs['celltype'] = [new_cluster_names[cl] for cl in atac.obs.leiden.astype("str").values]
atac.obs.celltype = atac.obs.celltype.astype("category")

We will also re-order categories for the next plots:

atac.obs.celltype =[
    'oligodendrocyte', 'OPC', 'microglia', 'astrocyte',
    'excitatory', 'inhibitory1', 'inhibitory2'
from matplotlib.colors import to_hex
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

cmap = plt.get_cmap('rainbow')
colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(

atac.uns["celltype_colors"] = list(map(to_hex, colors))
[72]:, color="celltype")

We can also visualise the same marker genes we plotted for the RNA modality to see if peak accessibility, whether for promoters or for enhancers, resembles the cell type-specific behaviour of these genes.

[73]:, marker_genes, groupby='celltype')

Multi-omics integration#

We’ll update the MuData object with the information from the modalities and discard cells that are not in both modalities (cells were filtered independently in two modalities).



MOFA (Argelaguet, Arnol, Bredikhin et al., 2020) is a statistical framework for comprehensive integration of multi-omics data.

[77]:, n_factors=20, outfile="brain3k_mofa_model.hdf5", gpu_mode=True)

        ###           __  __  ____  ______                    ###
        ###          |  \/  |/ __ \|  ____/\    _             ###
        ###          | \  / | |  | | |__ /  \ _| |_           ###
        ###          | |\/| | |  | |  __/ /\ \_   _|          ###
        ###          | |  | | |__| | | / ____ \|_|            ###
        ###          |_|  |_|\____/|_|/_/    \_\              ###
        ###                                                   ###

Loaded view='rna' group='group1' with N=2821 samples and D=5924 features...
Loaded view='atac' group='group1' with N=2821 samples and D=13877 features...

Model options:
- Automatic Relevance Determination prior on the factors: True
- Automatic Relevance Determination prior on the weights: True
- Spike-and-slab prior on the factors: False
- Spike-and-slab prior on the weights: True
- View 0 (rna): gaussian
- View 1 (atac): gaussian

GPU mode is activated, but GPU not found... switching to CPU mode
For GPU mode, you need:
1 - Make sure that you are running MOFA+ on a machine with an NVIDIA GPU
2 - Install CUPY following instructions on

## Training the model with seed 1 ##


## Training finished ##

Saving model in brain3k_mofa_model.hdf5...
Saved MOFA embeddings in .obsm['X_mofa'] slot and their loadings in .varm['LFs'].
sc.pp.neighbors(mdata, use_rep="X_mofa"), random_state=1)
mdata.obsm["X_mofa_umap"] = mdata.obsm["X_umap"]
[80]:, basis="X_mofa_umap", color=["rna:celltype", "atac:celltype"])
... storing 'rna:leiden' as categorical
... storing 'rna:celltype' as categorical
... storing 'atac:leiden' as categorical
... storing 'atac:celltype' as categorical


WNN (Hao, Hao et al., 2021) is an unsupervised framework for integrative analysis of multiple modalities.

# Since subsetting was performed after calculating nearest neighbours,
# we have to calculate them again for each modality.

# Calculate weighted nearest neighbors
mu.pp.neighbors(mdata, key_added='wnn')
[82]:, neighbors_key='wnn', random_state=10)
mdata.obsm["X_wnn_umap"] = mdata.obsm["X_umap"]
[84]:, basis="X_wnn_umap", color=["rna:celltype", "atac:celltype"])


We will now save the mdata object to an .h5mu file.

... storing 'feature_types' as categorical
... storing 'interval' as categorical

Next, we’ll look into cell type annotation in detail.