MEFISTO application to longitudinal microbiome data#

This notebook demonstrates how longitudinal data can be analysed with MEFISTO with its interface for muon.

Please find more information about this method on its website and in the preprint by Britta Velten et al.

Other versions of this notebook are available: R version here and Python version here.

The data for this notebook can be downloaded from here. The following files are used in this tutorial:

  • microbiome_data.csv containing the microbiome data used as input,

  • microbiome_features_metadata.csv containing taxonomic information for the features in the model.

The original data was published by Bokulich et al.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

import muon as mu

from muon import AnnData, MuData
# Set the working directory to the root of the repository
import os

Load data#

In this notebook, we put the files into the data/microbiome/ directory.

We first load the dataframe that contains the preprocessed microbiome data for all children (groups) as well as the time annotation (month of life) for each sample.

datadir = "data/microbiome/"
microbiome = pd.read_csv(f"{datadir}/microbiome_data.csv")
group month feature value view sample delivery diet sex
0 C001 0 ac5402de1ddf427ab8d2b0a8a0a44f19 0.616022 microbiome C001_0 Vaginal bd Female
1 C001 0 2a2947125c677c6e27898ad4e9b9dca7 NaN microbiome C001_0 Vaginal bd Female
2 C001 0 0cc2420a6a4698f8bf664d50b17d26b4 NaN microbiome C001_0 Vaginal bd Female
3 C001 0 651794369aeb3db83839b81fe49c8b4e NaN microbiome C001_0 Vaginal bd Female
4 C001 0 e6a34eb113dba66df0b8bbec907a8f5d -0.416379 microbiome C001_0 Vaginal bd Female

From this table, we will make (1) a matrix with values and (2) a metadata table for samples.

adata = AnnData(X=microbiome.pivot(index="sample", columns="feature", values="value"))
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1032 × 969
adata.obs = (adata.obs
                 microbiome.loc[:,["sample", "group", "month", "delivery", "diet", "sex"]]

group month delivery diet sex
C001_0 C001 0 Vaginal bd Female
C001_1 C001 1 Vaginal bd Female
C001_10 C001 10 Vaginal bd Female
C001_11 C001 11 Vaginal bd Female
C001_12 C001 12 Vaginal bd Female

We will also add features metadataw:

feature_meta = pd.read_csv(f"{datadir}/microbiome_features_metadata.csv")
feature_meta[["kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus", "species"]] = feature_meta.Taxon.str.split("; ", expand=True)
adata.var = (adata.var

Taxon Confidence kingdom phylum class order family genus species
0021d135d4ac12982cc8abdf2b38e23f k__Bacteria; p__Bacteroidetes; c__Bacteroidia;... 0.999988 k__Bacteria p__Bacteroidetes c__Bacteroidia o__Bacteroidales f__Bacteroidaceae g__Bacteroides s__eggerthii
009a4919860d6d1fddec5d3771d37351 k__Bacteria; p__Firmicutes; c__Bacilli; o__Lac... 0.988051 k__Bacteria p__Firmicutes c__Bacilli o__Lactobacillales f__Lactobacillaceae None None
00bb7a84ce1fa6f7411597672ff1b09d k__Bacteria; p__Actinobacteria; c__Actinobacte... 0.998529 k__Bacteria p__Actinobacteria c__Actinobacteria o__Actinomycetales f__Dermacoccaceae g__Dermacoccus s__
010f0ac2691bc0be12d0633d4b5d2cc4 k__Bacteria; p__Firmicutes; c__Clostridia; o__... 0.999978 k__Bacteria p__Firmicutes c__Clostridia o__Clostridiales f__Ruminococcaceae g__Faecalibacterium s__prausnitzii
0189d0173c07f11e7586ff20eb33f5ba k__Bacteria; p__Firmicutes; c__Erysipelotrichi... 0.998560 k__Bacteria p__Firmicutes c__Erysipelotrichi o__Erysipelotrichales f__Erysipelotrichaceae g__ s__

Train a MEFISTO model#

MEFISTO can be run on a MuData or AnnData object with by specifying which variable (covariate) should be treated as time.

  • To incorporate the time information, we specify which metadata column to use as a covariate for MEFISTO — 'month'.

  • We also specify 'group' to be used as groups.

[9]:, n_factors=2,
           groups_label="group", center_groups=False,
           smooth_kwargs={"n_grid": 10, "start_opt": 50, "opt_freq": 50},

        ###           __  __  ____  ______                    ###
        ###          |  \/  |/ __ \|  ____/\    _             ###
        ###          | \  / | |  | | |__ /  \ _| |_           ###
        ###          | |\/| | |  | |  __/ /\ \_   _|          ###
        ###          | |  | | |__| | | / ____ \|_|            ###
        ###          |_|  |_|\____/|_|/_/    \_\              ###
        ###                                                   ###

Loaded view='data' group='C001' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C002' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C004' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C005' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C007' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C008' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C009' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C010' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C011' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C012' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C014' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C016' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C017' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C018' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C020' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C021' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C022' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C023' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C024' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C025' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C027' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C030' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C031' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C032' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C033' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C034' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C035' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C036' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C037' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C038' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C041' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C042' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C043' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C044' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C045' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C046' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C047' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C049' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C052' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C053' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C055' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C056' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...
Loaded view='data' group='C057' with N=24 samples and D=969 features...

Model options:
- Automatic Relevance Determination prior on the factors: True
- Automatic Relevance Determination prior on the weights: True
- Spike-and-slab prior on the factors: False
- Spike-and-slab prior on the weights: True
- View 0 (data): gaussian

Loaded 1 covariate(s) for each sample...

Smooth covariate framework is activated. This is not compatible with ARD prior on factors. Setting ard_factors to False...

## Training the model with seed 2020 ##


## Training finished ##

Warning: Output file models/mefisto_microbiome.hdf5 already exists, it will be replaced
Saving model in models/mefisto_microbiome.hdf5...
Saved MOFA embeddings in .obsm['X_mofa'] slot and their loadings in .varm['LFs'].

Visualization in the factor space#

We can quickly visualize factors learned using a generic scatterplot function.

import scanpy as sc
cols4diet = {"bd": "#b2df8a", "fd": "#1f78b4"}
cols4delivery = {"Cesarean": "#e6ab02", "Vaginal": "#d95f02"}
adata.obs["Factor1"] = adata.obsm["X_mofa"][:,0]
[13]:, x="month", y="Factor1", color="delivery",
              palette=sns.color_palette(cols4delivery.values()), size=100)
... storing 'group' as categorical
... storing 'delivery' as categorical
... storing 'diet' as categorical
... storing 'sex' as categorical
... storing 'Taxon' as categorical
... storing 'kingdom' as categorical
... storing 'phylum' as categorical
... storing 'class' as categorical
... storing 'order' as categorical
... storing 'family' as categorical
... storing 'genus' as categorical
... storing 'species' as categorical
[14]:, x="month", y="Factor1", color="diet",
              palette=sns.color_palette(cols4diet.values()), size=100)

Downstream analysis#

For downstream analysis we can either use R (package MOFA2) or the Python package mofax. Here we will proceed in Python and first load the pre-trained model generated by the above steps.

import mofax
m = mofax.mofa_model(f"models/mefisto_microbiome.hdf5")
MOFA+ model: mefisto microbiome
Samples (cells): 1032
Features: 969
Groups: C001 (24), C002 (24), C004 (24), C005 (24), C007 (24), C008 (24), C009 (24), C010 (24), C011 (24), C012 (24), C014 (24), C016 (24), C017 (24), C018 (24), C020 (24), C021 (24), C022 (24), C023 (24), C024 (24), C025 (24), C027 (24), C030 (24), C031 (24), C032 (24), C033 (24), C034 (24), C035 (24), C036 (24), C037 (24), C038 (24), C041 (24), C042 (24), C043 (24), C044 (24), C045 (24), C046 (24), C047 (24), C049 (24), C052 (24), C053 (24), C055 (24), C056 (24), C057 (24)
Views: data (969)
Factors: 2
Expectations: Sigma, W, Z

Covariates available: month

Variance decomposition and factor correlation#

To obtain a first overview of the factors we can take a look at the variance that a factor explains in each child.

mofax.plot_r2(m, cmap="Blues")

Factors versus month of life#

We can also plot the inferred factors against the months of life and colour them by the metadata of the samples taking advantage of a plotting function in mofax.

Using the first two factors, we can project the samples into a 2-dimensional space.

mofax.plot_factors(m, x="month", y=[0, 1],
                   color="delivery", palette=cols4delivery, alpha=.7);
mofax.plot_factors(m, x="month", y=[0, 1],
                   color="diet", palette=cols4diet, alpha=.7);


We can also look at the factor values on the sample level. Here each dot correspond to one time-point-child combination.

[20]:, color=["delivery", "diet", "month"])

Factor weights#

Next we have a look at the microbial species associated with the factors, focusing on Factor 1. For this we have a look at the weights of the factor.

Individual species#

Let’s first have a look at the top positive and top negative species on factor 1. We find top negative weights for species of the genera Bacteroides and Faecalibacterium, meaning that their abundance varies in line with the negative of Factor 1, increasing over the first year of life and with higher abundance in vaginally delivered children.

m.get_weights(factors="Factor1", df=True).join(m.features_metadata).sort_values("Factor1").head()
Factor1 view Confidence Taxon class family genus kingdom order phylum species
c4f9ef34bd2919511069f409c25de6f1 -2.010341 data 0.999160 k__Bacteria; p__Bacteroidetes; c__Bacteroidia;... c__Bacteroidia f__Bacteroidaceae g__Bacteroides k__Bacteria o__Bacteroidales p__Bacteroidetes s__
010f0ac2691bc0be12d0633d4b5d2cc4 -1.978174 data 0.999978 k__Bacteria; p__Firmicutes; c__Clostridia; o__... c__Clostridia f__Ruminococcaceae g__Faecalibacterium k__Bacteria o__Clostridiales p__Firmicutes s__prausnitzii
ac5402de1ddf427ab8d2b0a8a0a44f19 -1.877653 data 0.999770 k__Bacteria; p__Bacteroidetes; c__Bacteroidia;... c__Bacteroidia f__Bacteroidaceae g__Bacteroides k__Bacteria o__Bacteroidales p__Bacteroidetes s__
8937656c16c20701c107e715bad86732 -1.603405 data 0.758990 k__Bacteria; p__Firmicutes; c__Clostridia; o__... c__Clostridia f__Lachnospiraceae g__Roseburia k__Bacteria o__Clostridiales p__Firmicutes s__faecis
2a99ec1157a90661db7ff643b82f1914 -1.569408 data 0.997669 k__Bacteria; p__Bacteroidetes; c__Bacteroidia;... c__Bacteroidia f__Bacteroidaceae g__Bacteroides k__Bacteria o__Bacteroidales p__Bacteroidetes s__fragilis

We can also take a look at the data for the top features on the factor:

mofax.plot_factors(m, x="month", y=m.get_top_features(factors="Factor1", n_features=3), color="delivery", palette=cols4delivery);

Aggregation to genus level#

We now aggregate the weights on the genus level.

df_weights = (
    m.get_weights(df=True, factors="Factor1")
     .query("genus != 'g__'")

df_weights.genus = df_weights.genus.str.replace('g__', '').str.replace('\\[', '').str.replace('\\]', '')

# summarize by mean weights across all species in the genus
# and filter to top 10 positive and negative ones
df_top = (
    .agg(mean_weight=("Factor1", "mean"),
         n_spec=("Factor1", "size"))
    .query("n_spec > 2")
    .assign(type=lambda x: np.where(x["mean_weight"] > 0, "Cesarean", "Vaginal"),
            mean_weight_abs=lambda x: np.abs(x["mean_weight"]))
    .apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(5, "mean_weight_abs"))
    .sort_values("mean_weight", ascending=False)
genus mean_weight n_spec type mean_weight_abs
0 Coprobacillus 0.529192 4 Cesarean 0.529192
1 Epulopiscium 0.350463 5 Cesarean 0.350463
2 Peptoniphilus 0.342736 4 Cesarean 0.342736
3 Dysgonomonas 0.309555 4 Cesarean 0.309555
4 Enterococcus 0.281913 5 Cesarean 0.281913
5 Parabacteroides -0.369146 9 Vaginal 0.369146
6 Roseburia -0.381634 12 Vaginal 0.381634
7 Alistipes -0.583242 4 Vaginal 0.583242
8 Faecalibacterium -0.643833 9 Vaginal 0.643833
9 Bacteroides -0.712832 25 Vaginal 0.712832
ax = sns.barplot(data=df_top, x="mean_weight", y="genus", hue="type", palette=cols4delivery)
                x="Factor1", y="genus", color="black", alpha=.5, ax=ax, zorder=10);

More details are discussed in the original R and Python notebooks.